社会福祉モデル(Social Welfare Model)とSeparate Parallel Track

Last Updated: 2024/02/19


 社会福祉法型は個人の機能障害の改善のための医療・リハビリテーションサービスの提供、特別な生活や教育、就労の場の提供、稼得能力の欠如を補う所得補償などの障害者福祉制度を法制化したものである。こうした法制が整備されればされるほど障害のある人の人生はそれ以外の人とは分離され、生活、教育、就労の場は他の人とは分離された特別な場として整備されていくことになる。その結果、障害のある人が日常生活と社会生活において進むべき道はそれ以外の人が進む道とは別の行路(separate parallel track)になっていく。障害のある人は彼らのための特別な法制度によって、それ以外の人の日常生活と社会生活の世界から排除され、同じ場に参加する機会を奪われることになる。社会福祉法型は医学モデルを前提にしているが、医学モデルに基づいて機能障害を改善しあるいはそれを補うための特別な生活、教育、就労等の場を提供する法政策は、障害のある人を積極的に排除する意図に基づくものでないとしても、障害のある人を社会から排除し、他の人と同等に社会に参加する機会を奪う効果を伴うことになってしまう。(pp.16-17)

 Lisa Waddingtonは、福祉政策の整備による法政策的な分離と排除の構造を「分離された並行行路」(“separate parallel track”)として分析している。「社会福祉(Social Welfare)モデルでは、障害は、社会において、通常のやり方では就労や活動をできなくする個人の内なる欠陥とみなされる。このアプローチでは、雇用や社会サービスなどの社会制度は、非障害者のニーズに適合するようにデザインされる。そうした社会制度を障害に対する配慮のため改造していくよりは、むしろ多数派である非障害者のための制度とは別個の所得とサービスを提供する分離されたパラレル・トラックに障害のある人を振り当てる。」と指摘している。(p.17)


◆Lisa Waddington and Matthew Diller, 2002, "The Uneasy Relationship Between Social Welfare and Civil Rights Models of Disability in American, European and International Employment Law," Mary Lou Breslin and Silvia Yee Eds., Disability Rights Law and Policy: International and National Perspectives, Berkeley: Disability Rights Education and Defense Fund.

Under the social welfare model, disability is seen as a defect in an individual that renders him or her unable to work or function in society in a conventional way. In this approach, social institutions such as employment and public services are designed to meet the needs of the non-disabled. Rather than adapting these institutions to accommodate disabilities, people with disabilities are directed toward a separate parallel track that provides income and services apart from the institutions that serve the non-disabled majority. In the area of employment, people with disabilities are either pensioned off, or placed in segregated jobs for the disabled. This two track approach can also be seen in education, transportation and other areas.

The social welfare model has proven dominant because it poses no threat to mainstream institutions. It permits society to establish public services and social institutions without regard for people with disabilities, since it adopts the premise that medical limitations will inevitably render people with disabilities unable to participate. The exclusion of people with disabilities is thus accepted as an inevitable natural consequence of medical realities.

At the same time, people with disabilities are not completely ignored. Instead, policies and programs are developed to address what the non-disabled perceive as basic needs. People with disabilities may be offered income support such as public assistance or pensions, housing, schooling, and even special jobs. This parallel track is an essential component of the social welfare model, because it justifies the failure to include people with disabilities in mainstream institutions. It allows society to exclude people with disabilities with a clear conscience. Nonetheless, the social welfare model is not necessarily or inherently begrudging or miserly. Indeed, non-disabled people may view the parallel set of institutions that serve the disabled as generous and desirable.

In the end, regardless of its justifications or how people feel about it, the social welfare model must place heavy emphasis on sorting and labelling. It inevitably relies on mechanisms to determine which track any given individual should be directed to. In the context of income support and pension programs, individuals screened out of the disability category are expected to become part of the labour force, while those found to be "disabled" are exempted from work. Definitions of disability in these programs define the nature and extent of the social obligation to work. Seen in this light, they are part and parcel of a nation’s policies concerning labour and employment.

In general, the more generous the package offered to people with disabilities, the more stringent and exacting the screening mechanism. When the disability track is seen as generous, fears arise that people will seek to exploit the status of disability. Generosity therefore brings with it a certain suspicion or a fear that people will pose as disabled in order to gain certain benefits.

The social welfare model inevitably comes to rely on some notion of the truly disabled, the idea that there is in fact an identifiable category of people that can be treated apart from the mainstream of society. In situations in which separate treatment is viewed as advantageous, enormous energy and resources may be spent in identifying the truly disabled and protecting the category from perceived malingerers and shirkers. This sorting process is most often viewed as an inquiry into medical fact rather than a moral or social judgment. This approach stems from and reinforces the idea that disability is a discrete medically determined status.

The sorting process is always problematic. There is no clear way of disaggregating the impact of a medical impairment from the other characteristics of an individual. The impact of an impairment inevitably varies depending on the age, education and work experience of an individual, as well as economic and other conditions in the area or region where the individual resides. Deciding which of these factors to take into account, and how to do so requires making a series of judgments about employment policy and the labour market which are distinct from, and yet inherent in evaluating the impact of a medical impairment. (Conclusion section, para. 1)




















 最後の論点は、ロべール・カステル[Castel 1991]が描く「二段変速社会」(two-speed society)との関連で把握することがひとまず可能である。彼は障害児・者と健常児・者のライフコースを分割することが、同時に支援の必要をなくすことにつながると論じ、そうした分割を、規律訓育に代わる新たな統治技法として把握した。
 教育の文脈でいえば、これは「トラッキング」に対応するであろう。トラッキングとは、学生をその資質や成績・アスピレーションなどの点で分割し、学級内部を均質化する選抜システムのことである[Rosenbaum 1976: 5-7]。トラッキングにより生徒は能力の高低や、進学/就職といった進路志望に応じて、地位の異なるトラック=走路に分割きれる。カステルに従えば、こうした集団検診と走路分割の組み合わせにより、リスク予防戦略は、施設収容のような強制を伴わず、かつ人口全体に適用されうるものとなる。

※Rosenbaum, James, 1976, Making Inequality: The Hidden Curriculum of High School Tracking, New York: Wiley-Interscience.


◆Castel, Robert, 1991, "From Dangerousness to Risk", Graham Burchell, Colin Gordon and Peter Miller (eds.), The Foucault Effect: Studies in Governmentality, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 281-298.

Instead of segregating and eliminating undesirable elements from the social body, or reintegrating them more or less forcibly through corrective or therapeutic interventions, the emerging tendency is to assign different social destinies to individuals in line with their varying capacity to live up to the requirements of competitiveness and profitability. Taken to its extreme, this yields the model of a 'dual' or 'two-speed' society recently proposed by certain French ideologists: the coexistence of hyper-competitive sectors obedient to the harshest requirements of economic rationality, and marginal activities that provide a refuge (or a dump) for those unable to take part in the circuits of intensive exchange. (p.294)




◆Rosenbaum, James, 1976, Making Inequality: The Hidden Curriculum of High School Tracking, New York: Wiley-Interscience.

What Is Tracking?

Educational textbooks define two kinds of selection practices that are applied to most students in American schools. Ability grouping selects students on the basis of ability, differentiates instruction by quantity and intensity of work, and attempts "to suit the work to each student's unique intellectual abilities" (Thomas and Thomas, 1965, p.97). Curriculum grouping selects students on the basis of their educational and occupational plans and differentiates instruction according to the

interests, desires, and ambitions [of students, and attempts to offer] ... opportunities for those who wish to step from high school right into a job, on the one hand, and to also offer opportunities for those who propose to start ...college (Conant, 1967, p.40).

Thus ability grouping is supposed to select students for instruction but not allocate them to college or jobs; while curriculum grouping is supposed to allocate students to college and jobs but not be selective (not exclude any students whose "interests, desires, and ambitions" bring them to seek a given curriculum).

Although ability grouping and curriculum grouping are defined as different educational practices, they share two important social characteristics:
l. Students are grouped with those who are similar to themselves and separated from those who are different.
2. Grouping is based, at least in part, on a ranked criterion --- ability or postschool plans (college is considered superior to jobs); thus groups are unequal in status.
Although ability groups and curriculum groups may differ when viewed from a pedagogical perspective, sociologists would consider them both to be hierarchical social structures.

I shall define tracking as any school selection system that attempts to homogenize classroom placements in terms of students' personal qualities, performances, or aspirations. Thus track is a general term that includes both ability grouping and curriculum grouping and emphasizes their social similarities.

Educators seem to have overlooked these similarities, and, indeed, they are often unclear about what tracking is. In addition to contradicting students and teachers on the Coleman questionnaire, principals also contradict themselves. Nearly all principals answering the questionnaire claim that their schools provide curriculum groups (question P. 78), and yet in a following question many of them deny that their schools "carry out grouping or tracking of students according to ability or achievement" (question P. 80). This contradiction in successive questions probably does not represent an attempt at deception, but it does present a confusing picture, for curriculum placement is generally based on achievement (see U.S. Office of Education, 1962). This may manifest principals' confusion about tracking,  a confusion apparently widespread among educators and social scientists. Most textbooks on educational administration describe curriculum grouping as a good administrative procedure and tracking as a bad (or controversial) one, but the two are never compared, and they usually do not even appear in the same chapter.

This confused separation is not merely a small matter of pedagogical interest. By never comparing ability grouping and curriculum grouping, educators can avoid considering the possibility that their pedagogical procedures create a selection system which limits opportunity. Obviously, lack of attention to this possibility does not make it go away, and this is precisely the reason why careful examination of tracking is required. (pp.5-7)



 教育の教科書では、アメリカの学校のほとんどの生徒に適用される2種類の選定方法が規定されています。能力グループ分けは、能力に基づいて生徒を選定し、量や強度の違う指導を行い、「各生徒の独自の知的能力に適合するように作業を調整する」ことを試みます(Thomas and Thomas, 1965, p.97)。カリキュラムグループ分けは、教育課程や職業計画に基づいて生徒を選定し、生徒の興味、願望、野心に応じて指導を差別化するカリキュラム編成により、高校から即就職を希望する生徒に機会を提供し、一方で大学進学を計画している人たちにも機会を提供しようと試みます(Conant, 1967, p.40)。





 教育者たちはこれらの類似性を見落としているようであり、実際、トラッキングが何を意味するのかについてよく分かっていません。コールマン(Coleman)のアンケートでは、生徒や教師だけでなく、校長も矛盾したことを言っています。アンケートに回答したほぼすべての校長は、自分の学校がカリキュラムグループを提供していると主張しています(質問 P. 78)。しかし、次の質問では、多くの校長が自分の学校が「生徒の能力や成績に基づいてグループ分けやトラッキングを行っている」ことを否定しています(質問 P. 80)。連続する質問でのこの矛盾は、おそらく欺瞞を意図したものではないが、カリキュラムの配置は一般的に成績に基づいているため、混乱した状況を示しています(米国教育省, 1962参照)。これは、トラッキングに関する校長の混乱を表している可能性があり、この混乱は教育者や社会科学者の間でも広く見られるものです。教育行政に関するほとんどの教科書では、カリキュラムグループ分けを良い行政手続きとして説明し、トラッキングを悪い(または物議を醸す)手続きであると説明されていますが、これら2つは決して比較されることはなく、通常、同じ章に登場することさえありません。



◆中根成寿,2020,「障害福祉制度は『地域』における生活をいかに変化させたか――制度利用者数の拡大と市民権の相克」『現代の社会病理』35: 21-30.

 GogginとJewell[2005]は、⼊所施設が解体され当事者が地域移⾏していった先で、近隣との交流が少なくなる実態を「再施設化 re-institutionalization」と呼んだ。この現象は障害者だけではなく、地域に建設される生活施設がNIMBY(Not In My Back Yard)として反対運動に遭うこととも無関係ではない。反対する住⺠にとっては、障害者は市⺠権を持った「隣⼈」ではなく、「シティズンシップなきクライアント」なのだ。支援制度が充実するほど、障害当事者の姿は地域から消え、サービスを利用するクライエント化していく。制度的には「包摂」されたように見えるが、障害者の生活する姿は巧妙に「機能としての地域」から切り離されていく。
 生活困窮者自立支援法(2018年度予算規模約430億円)、子どもの貧困対策(2020年度予算規模 約6.5億円)から見れば、障害者総合支援法(2019年度予算規模約1兆5000億円)は支援の実績に応じて確実に報酬が支払われる「安定した制度」であることは間違いない。ただ、その「安定性」は事業所から「先駆性」「革新性」をゆるやかに削いでいき、運動を事業に変える。運動が目指した社会や地域の変革というミッションを、事業は引き継いでいるだろうか。筆者は地域の変革という点に関しては、悲観的な評価をせざるを得ない。障害者福祉制度の「発展」は地域の構造を大きく変化させることはできていない。事業が事業である限り、安定と継続が求められる。それは自らが老いた後の子どもの生活の安定をもとめる、親の最大の願いでもある。この点で家族と事業所は、社会は地域の変革よりも安定と継続を求めるという点で利害が一致する。「地域とふれあう」よりも、「地域で保護」された、安定した生活が事業所と親によって維持される。事業所は利用者を地域から、社会から守る。優しさの名のもとに(Margolin1997=2003)。(pp.27-29)

※Gerard Goggin and Christopher Newell, 2005, Disability in Australia: Exposing A Social Apartheid, Sydney: University of New South Wales Press.